Monday 4 November 2013

Micro Teach One

On Thursday 3rd October I delivered my first micro teach to my peer group for the purpose of my assignment. I chose to present on the topic of ethical considerations in psychological research as this is a topic that would be taught to my usual learner group; psychology students, at any level.


I found the experience... different. At first I was extremely nervous! This was picked up by Caroline and the rest of the group as I was speaking extremely fast! However, as the session progressed, I started to feel more comfortable and in control of my nerves.

It was evident that everyone was slightly nervous as they began their presentations. I think the micro teaching sessions are a good way of easing the student teacher in to the teaching environment by presenting to a small group. I know that I certainly appreciate the opportunity to build up my confidence in presenting to a group!

The immediate feedback given by Caroline was very helpful and allowed me to instantly reflect upon what I felt went well, what I felt was wrong with my presentation, and what I would aim to do next time to rectify the issues I faced. I did find, however, that when it came to writing the assignment part of this assessment I struggled to articulate in words how the session went! I certainly need some practice on reflective writing. Next time I intend to make sure I write down the feedback that is given to me as a guide for writing my reflections!

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